"Some of the competencies mentioned in the interviews were – in a broader sense – survival skills in nature including physical fitness. This is of course important because it opens up a wider choice of interactions with nature. However, within this project we shall not deal with physical fitness programs.
Within the CONNAT project, we will build a course with an aim to enabling recognition of someone’s needs, her/his readiness to search for a possible fulfilment of those needs through interaction with nature as a prerequisite for wellbeing. Development of this set of competencies, presented later, is the core of our course."
"A support NETWORK and exchange of good practices with other professionals should be developed (informal and formal associations) on raising the awareness of people about the benefits of being active in nature. Networking was mentioned as an important factor in the success of this project."
„The population in cities continuously grows. According to World Urbanization United Nations Prospects today the 73% of the population of Europe lives in towns, by 2050 approximately the 66% of the world population will live in cities. In Hungary this rate will be 82%. (UN, 2014)
Urbanization have an impact on natural environment, on society and on the individual as well. In this article we focus mainly on the effects on individuals. Mental problems appear on the following areas:
„The connection with nature could be curing. Higher level of concentration, better achievements, less aggression, less stress, better adaptability – just some of the benefits (Louv, 2008; Kuo-Sullivan, 2001). Walking in the forest, spending some time in wild nature, animal assisted therapy, a greener environment have great relaxing effects. Studies have proved that criminality amongst young people were much higher in urban areas.”