Jasenka Gojšić is a facilitator of transformative learning. It means, she helps people to transform their lives, to change perspective on a situation, to find a meaning in enthusiasm for the next stage.

She is more then ten years on her way to authentic living, escaping traditional routes and career paths. Serving others, she combines multidisciplinary knowledge and holistic, systemic approach. As a mentor, teacher and trainer, she is supporting transformations by experiential learning. She is dedicated to understand what is going on, and act from her best knowledge, combining learning and acting, teaching and leading, creation and management.

Jasenka was a team member of the Grundtvig learning partnership project "Enhancing Transformation in Time of Chaos and Crises" (2012-2014), as an associate of DIM NGO. During 2014 Jasenka serves as a member of the core team of the International Partnership for Transformational Learning, network of today’s leaders in transformative and life-long learning, started in 2011 as an alliance of eight European organizations out of the Grundtvig Learning Partnership "Hosting transformation: Best practices on facilitating sustainable innovation and active citizenship". Isoropia hosted the Hosting Transformation Conference (HTC) in Zagreb, July 2014 and was co-organizer of HTC in Calabria, Italy in September 2015.
During ERASMUS+ project Authentic Living (2014-2016) she acquired additional competences to facilitate adults learning specifically focused on employing nature as a teacher.

Jasenka has master of telecommunication and informatics earned at Faculty of electrical Engineering and Computing of University of Zagreb, Croatia, and MBA and Master of Science in Management achieved at IEDC School of Management, Bled, Slovenia. Her master thesis "How organizations support and hinder balance careers? Exploratory study" was motivated with her process of restoring resilience.

Previous managerial and teaching experiences and knowledge gained in introducing new informational technologies in education, as well as strong interest in people potential, growth and characteristics of life stages are the main assets to be employed in this project.

funded by the E programme of the EU"The European Commission is not responsible for any uploaded or submitted content. Such content expresses the views of its author(s) only."