The Rogers Foundation for Person-Centred Education has been set up in 2005, and started its official activity in 2006. While originally our main goal was to maintain the Rogers Person-Centred Secondary School, as years have passed, the Foundation has scaled up to national and international level, and started to work in public- and adult education areas, as well as for youth issues and sustainability.
Based on Carl R. Rogers’s thoughts we believe that a person can understand and fulfil him or herself through living, personal experiences and in accepting relationships. Our mission is to ensure this accepting relationship to people, and to have people understand and become conscious about its importance. Also we would like to understand and prevent all barriers against building up these relationships. For this purpose we organize and run educational, experiential activities, as well as organize researches, projects and services.
As a permanent educational institution we still maintain the successor of the Rogers Secondary School, the Rogers Academy, where young people looking for an alternative for traditional education can find their place. As we experience people find us either for our value system, or for dealing with learning and behavioural problems. Our other permanent service is the Kulissza Skill-Building Workshop, where we provide training in drama, dance and music for three different age groups (3-6, 10-13 and 18+) in a person-centred way. As a registered Talent Point, we also regularly organize talent development programs.
Besides our permanent activities in the last ten years we have implemented more than 50 educational projects in different areas but with common approach: drama pedagogy, arts therapy, free play, game-based learning, emotional intelligence, systems thinking, leisure time pedagogy, talent development, e-learning, sustainability education, human rights and equal opportunities, person-centred organizational development.
We have a well-developed network of connections within Hungary. We are members of the Talent Assisting Network, the Council Assisting Talents with Special Needs, the Zero Waste Network as well as the Rogersian person-centred network.
Internationally by today we have worked together with more than 50 partner organizations from 26 countries of Europe, and we are members of international networks, such as the Real World Learning Network, Initiative for Equality, the European Network on Inclusive Education and Disability, and the Resilience Connection Network. Through our membership we are actively engaged in international youth and education policy, and participating in relevant calls and actions.
Our projects are financed either from national or EU support, or from service contracts. Our staff is seven person, and we have a large number of experts and volunteers whom we involve in the implementation of our activities in order to reach an ever increasing quality.