Aura organized the second multiplier event in Calabria, in Reggio Calabria.
The event took place at the headquarters of the Equilibri Pedagogici association, on 23/06/2018.
The event was attended by 20 people, involved by Aura and by the Associazione Equilibri Pedagogici on the Calabrian territory.
The program included an introduction to the Aura Sviluppo Sostenibile cultural association, a presentation of the Erasmus + European projects and the presentation of the MOOC CONNAT.
The MOOC CONNAT was presented with the use of slides, video and directly with UDEMY. During the event the registration and access procedure for the online course was simulated. Some contents in Italian have been previewed. Among the participants there was a lot of curiosity about the issue of resilience, for some it was a new word. Widespread interest on how to combine an online course with connections to nature.
At the end of the first part of the work there was a buffet and then the second part of the event was dedicated to couple and group exercises on personal connections, introduced by a guided meditation practice.

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