CONNAT, the 1st Isoropia's multiplier event
Stakeholder meeting
Vladimira Ružđaka 7, Zagreb

 Goran and Jasenka, CONNAT project team members, invited ten adult educators to discuss implementation of the reference frame and curriculum in an online pilot course.

On the beginning, the project was presented, its aim, objects and results. We shortly introduced reference frame and competences that participants should acquire attending both online and in-nature course.

Goran presented the online course curriculum, structure and Udemy environment. Following the stakeholders interest, the whole course was presented, inspiring questions, remarks, idea and discussion.

In short, a list of bold recommendation was compiled.
The course should be shorter, more concise, and ready for self-paste.
No need for face book group or any other platform for discussion. The course exercises are too personal and majority of them reveal deep inner space, which cannot be shared with strangers. Secure space should be provided in in-nature part.
Too much theory might be boring and contra intention: connect with nature, not learn about it.
Simpler, shorter exercises are better then few longitudinal. Long exercise can be exhausting.
Meditation is too quick. There is no enough silence.
Some materials or similar courses created by therapist and educators might be used by their clients between sessions.
Hug a tree might support egocentric approach. Give oneself over to tree might be better advice.
Experiencing nature during night is obligatory part of the course.

The group gave great feedback and impulse for course improvement and further creation of in-nature part.

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